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Laser epilation

A permanent solution to remove unwanted hair, quickly, painlessly, comfortably.  Qualified doctors in Pearl Skin offer Body and face procedures.

Laser epilation procedures are among the most widespread, with a growth rate of 53% per year. Because they are most often preferred, they generate in the market space the creation of multiple devices and engineering solutions. Most of them give some results in more generic and easy-to-treat cases. At the Pearl Skin Clinic for aesthetic dermatology, we offer high-end services that position us one step above our competitors, so the CUTERA laser configuration available treats all possible cases with optimumal results. This includes  all skin types, including  patients with tan, throughout the whole year (including in the summer).

The unique advantage of our 1064nm NdYAG laser is the ability to deliver very high power to the output signal and to destroy even the most stubborn hairs, including very light, thin hairs that can not be treated with other laser systems. The system also has a very good impact on dark and dense hair.

The procedure is fast and painless. A special cooling system protects the skin from strong heating, and the patient can be exposed to the sun 24 hours after the procedure.

What is important to know before the procedure?

• Hair should not be removed by a waxing or other mechanical method two to three weeks before the laser treatment.

• Hair before the procedure itself should be removed by shaving or  with a depilating cream.

• If the laser treatment period coincides with the monthly cycle, you may be more sensitive during the procedure

What is important to know after the procedure?

• Hairs fall out 10 to 14 days after epilation.

• After the laser procedures, the hairs that are in active growth are destroyed, but there are also germ cells in the skin, from which the hair develops after a different period of time.

• Spots in the area you are subjected to hair removal are not treated. The beam passes around, but not over them. This means that hairs may remain in this area and then remove them manually using tweezers.

• To achieve a long-lasting effect on face zones, a course of about 8-10 procedures is recommended, and for body zones 5-7 procedures. Each course is individual and depends on the patient's hormonal status.

• The number of procedures is individual, but after the first significant number of hairy bulbs die. The rest are atrophied, which is manifested externally by thinning the hair stems, slowing their growth and falling;

• When laser epilation is performed on gentle, sun-exposed places - like a face, you will be advised to have a special sunscreen that will smear it.

A few tips from us:

• It is desirable for laser procedures to be performed by qualified medical personnel.

• Ask a dermatologist about the number of procedures and the type of laser to be used.

• Look for an adequate attitude, prior consultation and customer loyalty, and do not trust bold promises of 100% hair removal after just one or two procedures.

• Do not use a tweezer, epilator or waxing mask between laser epilation procedures.

• Before you are subjected to laser epilation, please be aware of the cases in which it may be inadvisable.
