Which skin changes can be treated with a fractional ablative CO2 laser?
Removal of epidermal lesions, seborrheic veins, fibroids, solar keratoses, viral warts, epidermal nevi;
It can be used for the removal of skin tumors, superficial basal cell carcinoma, benign pigmentary nevi, Bowen's disease
Removal of dermal formations: syringes, hydratomas, fatty hyperplasias, xanthelasms, neurofibromas, triheepitheliomas, sebaceous adenomas;
Treatment of rhinophoma and acne scars, traumas and operations scars.
It is a "gold standard" in the fight against age-related skin changes.
What are the benefits of a CO2 laser?
• Reduced or absent bleeding;
• Easy anesthesia;
• Reduced damage to adjacent tissues;
• Minimal postoperative edema;
• Reduced duration of operations;
• Reduced risk of scarring;
• Reduced risk of wound infection;
• Faster healing and seamless post - operative period and etc.
Removal of benign skin formations - fibroids (papillomas), seborrheic warts, xanthelasms and epidermal formations.
Which are the benign skin formations?
The most common of these are:
1. Fibromas
Common, benign skin formations, located at the foot with a tightening at the base. They have a smooth or uneven surface and are the same as the skin color. They are usually multiples them with a 2 - 3 mm width or single with spherical shape and soft consistency. Fibromas are located in areas subjected to mechanical friction and chronic irritation of clothing or accessories. Such areas are the eyelids, the side of the neck, the underarms, the chest (especially in bustier women), the groin folds, etc. They occur very often with middle-aged patients, more common in women. They can occur during pregnancy and can often be combined with multiple seborrheic warts.
2. Seborrheic warts
Benign skin neoplasms usually pigmented, which occur most often after the age of 35. They are small round, yellowish to black spots with uneven surfaces. They are often crumbly and with a size of 1 - 2 cm. They may be single or multiple, localizing in the so-called seborrheic areas - head, forehead, breasts, back, etc.
3. Leather horn
These are lesions that occur on almost unchanged skin, have a conical shape and a pronounced hyperkeratosis at the tip. Most often they are located on the exposed parts of the body - the upper half of the face and the earlobe.
4. Xanthyllas
They are yellowish plaques symmetrically located near the inner corners of the eyelids (more often in the upper eyelids). After their appearance, they increase in size, showing a tendency to merge. These formations do not generally affect the functioning of the eyelids as they often recur after treatment. The presence of xanthyllases requires lipid testing to exclude hyperlipidemia.
5. Epidermal Formations
These are formations due to over-growth of the skin's surface layer. They can be of different sizes, they are usually linear, with a yellow to dark brown color and uneven surface. They are present at birth (in 50% of cases) or develop during childhood.
A detailed list of diagnosis readings:
Acne keloidalis nuchae; Acne scarring; Actinic cheilitis; Actinic keratoses; Adenoma sebaceum; Angiofibroma; Angiokeratoma; Basal cell carcinoma; Brook-Spiegler syndrome; Chondrodermatitis nodularis helicis; Clear cell acanthoma; Condyloma; Cutaneous vascular lesions; Darier disease;
Elastosis perforans serpiginosa; Fordyce spots; Granuloma faciale; Hailey-Hailey disease; Hidradenitis suppurativa;
Hydrocystomas; Hypertrophic scarring; Keloids; Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus; Linear epidermal nevus; Lupus pernio; Lymphangioma circumscriptum; Matrixectomy (with nail avulsion); Milia; Neurofibroma; Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome; Pearly penile papules; Porokeratosis; Rhinophyma; Rhytides; Scar revision; Sebaceous hyperplasia; Seborrheic keratosis;
Stria cutis distensae; Syringomas; Tattoo removal; Trichelemmoma; Verruca; Xanthelasma.