Multifunctionality and wide range of applications
The unique PowerFlex technology of Cutera CoolGlide NdYAG 1064nm allows non-invasive therapy to treat a wide range of blood vessels - capillaries, veins (normal and pathological malformations), attacking superficial blood vessels, thick vascular formation, diffuse redness; rosacea; cherry angiomas, telangiectasis - face and body, spider veins with a diameter of 0.5 - 1.5 mm; legs, including deep reticular veins 1-4 mm in diameter; congenital hemangiomas, arachid haemangiomas of the chest; haemangiomas / flat and tuberous /, PWS final stage, arteriovenous malformations, congenital haemangiomas, tuberous haemangioma; poikiloderma of Civatte, VHC hepatitis; Erithema (Coupe Rosis, Poikiloderma of Civatte).
The laser treats all skin types - Fitzpatrik skin type I -VI safely throughout the whole calendar year.
Distinctive feature of the procedure:
The unique built-in contact cooling ensures constant temperature control of the cooling element to ensure patient safety and comfort during the procedure.
Laser removal of non-static blood vessels.
The procedures are performed during the low-sunshine seasons.
Consult a doctor - a dermatologist at our clinic about how many procedures you need. The procedures are done each month.